My Playlist

Sunday 17 October 2010

Comparison of Blogs

I have looked at a variety of blogs such as Film blogs, Music blogs and Scientific blogs:

Film blogs I looked at:

Music blogs I looked at:

Scientific blogs I looked at:

One thing i found common among all of these blogs was that the layout was very easy on the eye. I think his is a good quality to all of these blogs as they were easy to read and configure. I also found that the blogs had adapted to their genre of the blog. For example, the live music blog had theme colours of red and white to show the vibrant feel of live gigs, but white so that the text on the blog was easy to read.

By looking at these different blogs, I have learnt that the blogs that had more hits and were more interesting were fairly plain, with detail highly related to the purpose for the blog. Using this information I know that I should keep my blog simple and informative but with the information I need, laid out in different ways.

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