My Playlist

Wednesday 8 December 2010

Flat Plan for 'Grime Time'

Fro ym front page, I decided that promoting my main feature was the strongest idea as it formed a structure of the page automatically. For example, once I placed in the image I knew what spacing I had to note other big article's / interviews / competitions I had space for on my front cover.

For my contents page, I decided that it would be a more detailed version of my front cover, giving my reader's more of a hint on what to expect with in the feature. It also will have more images, connecting better with the target audience age group.

For my feature, I adopted the idea of main quotes, in the centre of my page and decided to have large image to capture my reader's eyes as well as make the main image clear by making in the biggest on the spread and giving it a caption. Finally, I decided that the title's on both pages would be different to show versitility through the article as it covers more than one topic to do with Simply Sick.

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