My Playlist

Tuesday 7 December 2010

Inspiration for my Contents Page

From this contents page, I liked that the main feature was also the main image on the contents page and that the page number was very clear for the readers to notice and read the article. I also liked that there was a clear consistancy in the colouring for the page and it was clearly laid out.

 From this contents page, I used the idea of slightly enlarging the numbers for the page and seperating them slightly from the text describing the article. I also really liked that it had many images, showing that there was a lot going on in the magazine and shows that it caters for many different needs such as diversion. It also had different coloured images in the contents page, but still kept to the colour scheme of the page.
From this contents page, I took the idea of croping the images shape to shape around a person or object, showing different dynamics in the page and so making different things for my reader's to look at. Also, in this contents page there is a clear image to promote a competition, which showed me that I was drawn to this as the image was of a different background to the rest of the page and so attracted my eye easily, From this I was inspired to put a red border around the image relating to my competition, in the hope that it will achieve the same effect.

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